Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Religious views

Many songs induce the listener with views on Religion. They share their beliefs in the power of God, the demise of the Devil, and describe the many stories of ancient mythology. They distinguish between good and evil and teach the meaning of karma. Woe is me, the band, distinguishes the two when singing, “The Devil and God are knocking at my door,” as they exploit temptation. Another band, Sleeping with sirens, reaches its Christian followers by saying, “Jesus do you feel me when our worlds collide, and if I have nothing left at least I have you. “ Yellowcard expresses their belief in heaven through their song, “View from Heaven.” Although not everyone is of the same religion, or believes in the power of god, songs provide a sense of realness as in what to believe in. Music teaches you to stand by what you believe in and to be open to learning about other religions. There are many religious musical acts out there, including Christian rock bands like The Almost, Jewish rappers, and even those who are Satanic. Judgment is not acceptable, and although others may not believe in the same religion as others, music shows that it is okay to continue to worship. The meaning of salvation and redemption are seen through out various types of music and that being washed of your sins is possible. Songs metaphorically relate rain to rebirth and teach the meaning of forgiveness. Many songs tell the story of then many in the bible like Jamie Elsewhere’s, “Prodigal Son.” As Lady Gaga put it, “I’m beautiful in my way because God makes no mistakes.”

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