Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Getting through these Hardships

Time is everything. Along with time comes many hardships. The human race is faced with hardships everyday. The hardships of being homeless, being laid off, or being judged by society are just a few. As we go throughout life, we build many different relationships. Throughout these relationships people always seem to come and go. Relationships can also bring hardships as negative feelings can be associated with ex best friends, ex lovers, co-workers and sometimes, even parents. An array of memories can come along with these hardships, but music supports you in your tough times. Many artists relate to these hardships through their songs, as they provide words that show the listener that they too have gone through troubled times. Sleeping with Sirens relates to ex friends as they sing, “True friends lie underneath,” as does Bring Me The Horizon when ranting, “Best friends means forever.” Woe Is Me shares their hardship with their parents, as they state, “That a father dies before his son,” in their song fame over demise. The song describes a father that has been absent in his kid’s life due to addiction, but expects money as his kid takes on fame. The music, however, will provide light at the end of the tunnel. When leaving home many people have fears, but music shows you that fear is normal. The music provides you with a way to mature and take on the new responsibility that can come with these hardships. Kid Cudi provides credit to his mother, by rapping about his “Moms Christmas Grind.” Music reminds you not to take any single moment for granted and to cherish your life. As mistakes are made various amounts of time in a person’s life, music gives you hope of forgiveness, a chance to learn and grow from these mistakes, and to never be embarrassed to be yourself. A Day To Remember reminds their viewer that “You never know what you have until it’s gone.” One of the biggest hardships is addiction. Addiction to anything; drugs, alcohol, anything in the world. As people face addiction, they turn to music in order to help them. Many artists have faced addiction and have either gotten through it or are getting help. The music allows the listener to receive help as they may choose to get over addiction.

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